The City of Águilas has achieved 5,000,000 euros in European Union aid from the Strategy of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (EDUSI) within the Operational Program of Sustainable Growth FEDER 2014-2020, as announced this morning the State official newsletter.
After hearing the news, the first aquiline mayor, Mari Carmen Moreno, has shown his satisfaction for the granting of aid that "makes clear the commitment of this Government Team to develop policies based on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth."
In this same line, Moreno has referred to the importance that all aquiline citizens have had for this achievement, since - the mayor has assured - it was they with their contributions that determined the city model they wanted for Águilas.
It should be noted, in this regard, that when the Local Development Department decided to present the SOS sustainable project to be eligible for these grants, it was decided to implement various actions, such as working groups, the creation of a web page, meetings with local social and economic associations and agents and the opening of the EIDUS office in Águilas City Hall, so that the citizens themselves through participatory actions would determine the lines of development of the municipality for the coming years;
"This being one more example of the importance for this Government has citizen participation as a mechanism to establish the priority areas of action to improve the quality of life of the population and the municipality as a whole."
As for the SOS sustainable project presented by the City Council, and which has been awarded the granting of these grants, four main axes have been established: Águilas, smart city;
Sustainable Mobility;
Sustainable Environment;
and Entrepreneurship and sustainable employment, youth sustainability and equal opportunities and sustainable spaces for social groups.
It should be noted that each of these lines aims at specific thematic objectives.
Thus, within the Águilas axis, an intelligent city, the main objective - as the first mayor explained - will be to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them.
The commitment to Sustainable Mobility will favor the transition to low carbon energy in all sectors.
The line of action of the Sustainable Environment will be specified in the objective of conserving and protecting the environment and promoting the efficiency of resources.
Finally, the promotion of social inclusion, as well as the fight against poverty and any other form of discrimination are the objectives pursued with the lines of action of Entrepreneurship and sustainable employment, youth sustainability and equal opportunities and sustainable spaces for groups social.
Finally, the first aquiline mayor reiterated her thanks to "municipal technicians, associations, social and economic agents and all citizens who have contributed to the drafting of this project."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas