guilas has become the most transparent municipality in Spain when it occupies, together with Vitoria (PNV), Fuengirola (PP) and Bilbao (PNV), the first place in the DAM dynamic index (Dyntra Town Councils and Municipalities);
an evaluator that places the City Council of the town as the most transparent in Spain, fulfilling 141 of the 159 indicators with 88.68% compliance.
"This news - said the mayor, Mari Carmen Moreno - shows that open government remains one of the priority objectives of this Government Team, aware of the importance of going beyond the simple compliance with legal requirements in terms of transparency and determined to bet on the active participation of citizens in municipal matters. "
The mayor also highlighted the "important work that has been done in terms of transparency" and recalled that "in just three years we have managed to go from nothing, which made us deserving of suspense in 2015 with an assessment of 21, 9% in Infoparticipa, to currently occupy the first place in the national ranking ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de guilas