guilas will celebrate from the 15th to the 30th of June the 1st Conference on gender diversity under the theme "Glimpses on diversity and the LGTBI collective", organized by the Department of Equality.
A project, highlighted the mayor of the area, Isabel Mara Torrente, which aims to "make visible a reality of which this City Council is fully aware."
The development of this Conference has the collaboration of associations such as Chrysalis of families of transsexual minors in the Region of Murcia, Mujomur, Assemblies of LGTBI collectives, the residents association of Las Majadas and Las Molinetas, the Fenix Society Theater Group and the Cine Club guilas.
Friday 15
At 6.30 pm in the Auditorium, round table moderated by Isabel Guerrero and the presentations:
Transsexuality in childhood and adolescence, exists and resists by Ana Franco, president of Chrysallis Murcia.
Bifofia: oppression even among LGTBI people by Ignacio Elpido, doctor in anthropology, LGTBI activist.
Regional Law 8/2016 and related public policies by Marina Garca of the General Directorate for Women and Equal Opportunities.
Gender stereotypes and cultural productions by Rosala Gmez, psychologist at the Municipal Women's Center.
Saturday 16:
At 10 pm on the esplanade of the Auditorium: Storytelling: All the people are different Great!
For the Phoenix Society Group.
Sunday 17:
In the Plaza de Montcada i Reixac, painted bank for transsexual visibility.
Thursday the 21st:
At 7 pm in the Plaza Montcada i Reixac, placement of the commemorative plaque No to transphobia and children's games.
Friday 22:
At 6.30 pm in the Auditorium, round table moderated by Antonia Reche and the presentations:
Principles of Yogyakarta by Mariano Beltrn, an independent psychologist of Human Rights.
Learning to be equal: sexual and gender diversity in the classroom by Lola Prez, president of the Young Women Association of the Region of Murcia.
Frontiers in gender equality policies by Ana Mara Cano, legal advisor of the Municipal Center for Women.
Thursday 28:
At 7:00 pm in the Plaza de Espaa: batucada and reading of the institutional manifesto.
At 20.30 in the Casa de Cultura, cineforum and screening of Viva.
Saturday 30:
At 20:00 in the Parque de Las Yucas, Storytelling: All the people are different Great!
For the Phoenix Society Group.
Source: Ayuntamiento de guilas