Workers of Estrella de Levante together with family and friends participate in this cleaning campaign
Estrella de Levante joins the cleaning of beaches in the Region with the collection of litter on the coast of guilas.
An initiative led by SEO-Bridlife, the Spanish non-governmental Ornithological Society whose main objectives are the conservation and study of birds and their habitats.
In addition, together with Ecoembes, they have developed the Libera Project, which encompasses this action.
In addition to collecting waste, a methodology is also applied to gather information, conduct a study and expand knowledge to solve the problem.
Ecoembes, the non-profit environmental organization, promotes the circular economy through the recycling of containers to release the nature of garbage.
A cry for action to free the costs of waste and take care of biodiversity, an integral approach with three fundamental axes, knowledge, prevention and action.
The activity has been carried out with the General Directorate of Natural Environment and the Information Service of the Natural Spaces of CARM.
The technical staff has been in charge of guiding the visit explaining the diversity of the park and the importance of its conservation with initiatives like this one.
Estrella de Levante is characterized by its commitment to the environment and the optimization of resources.
Garbage in the sea and on the coast has become an environmental nightmare.
Pollution by plastics dirty beaches, kills wildlife and reaches the food chain.
The most affected point in Spain is the Marina de Cope.
Each year 8 million tons of plastics reach the water, about 200 kilos per second.
With the interest of combating and reducing this problem Estrella de Levante participates in a massive collection to contribute to the cleaning of the aquiline coast.
An initiative committed to the care and recovery of the environment, which at the same time, seeks to raise awareness about this serious problem that affects the entire planet.
The effort and involvement of Estrella de Levante with sustainability and the environment are constant.
With an eco-efficient model, making maximum use of resources, it contributes to a lesser creation of garbage and pollution.
A struggle that places Estrella de Levante as one of the most efficient companies in the region and committed to society and the ecosystem.
Source: Agencias