Antonio Landáburu: "As it is already tradition at this time, from NNGG de Águilas we put all our efforts so that all children can celebrate Christmas, so that no one is left without their gift."
NNGG Águilas has launched, once again, a solidarity campaign for the Christmas season, which will collect toys and, at the request of Cáritas de Águilas, food to ensure that all children can enjoy these dates.
In this way, the president, Francisco Hernández and the general secretary of the training, Antonio Landáburu have presented a series of actions in order to collect toys and food.
"It is an activity for all aquilines, everyone can contribute their bit" said Landáburu.
"Last year we collected more than a hundred toys, this year we hope to exceed these figures."
The acts will go from putting tables of collection, to collaborate with associations and to organize a sport event with beneficial entrance, like the classic party of solidary soccer that annually is carried out against positions, affiliates and supporters of the Popular Party of Eagles.
Landáburu has concluded by saying that "from the autonomic board of the NNGG Region of Murcia, we also encourage you to participate in our first Solidarity Line, which we will present on social networks, where we will collaborate with numerous charitable organizations providing school materials, food and toys."
Source: NNGG Águilas