Last February 14, AFEMAC began its program of prevention of mental health problems at the school "Mª Inmaculada" of Águilas with the talk "Prevention of addictive behavior to the New Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) "
The exhibition was given by Rocío Agudo Navarro, health psychologist and worker of the Association and Day Center and was aimed at parents and caregivers of primary and secondary school children.
It should be noted that, according to recent data from the National Statistics Institute, 95.1% of young people under the age of 15 use Internet and social networks daily, and 88% access the network at 10 years of age.
These figures suppose the existence of a high percentage of minors who at a very early age already show clear signs of addiction behaviors to these new technologies.
The attending parents related personal experiences and consulted various doubts, especially in regard to the early detection of the possible addiction and the way to intervene adequately.
Source: AFEMAC