The Association for Families and People with Mental Illness in Águilas y Comarca, AFEMAC, has launched, for the fifth year in a row, the program "DISCOVER: Do not block your mental health", an initiative of the Spanish Mental Health Confederation, funded by the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare and aimed at students and teachers of secondary schools.
"DISCOVER" is a program of prevention and awareness in mental health issues, whose main objective is to raise awareness about the most common mental diseases and their relationship with drug use.
This year, as a novelty and responding to the demand of the students themselves, the program has also introduced the issue of the misuse and abuse of the new Information Technologies, especially the addiction to social networks.
Another of the priority objectives of this program is the fight against the stigma that often accompanies these diseases and that unfairly harms the image of people who have a mental health problem.
The talks are given by a psychologist of the association and are aimed at students and teachers of the ESO;
We emphasize the importance and impact of the testimony in the first person of one of the associates, who courageously and generously shares with the students their experiences in a difficult phase of their lives, although a hopeful tone always predominates in this testimony
Source: AFEMAC