This year the book bank celebrated its third edition, organized by the Alfonso Escámez Student Association and with the collaboration of AMPA.
Students from all ESO and Bachiller courses have been helped.
Detailing the number of students helped course by course:
1º ESO: 30 students.
2nd ESO: 45 students.
3rd ESO: 52 students.
4th ESO: 33 students.
1st Bachiller: 17 students.
2nd Bachiller: 9 students.
It should be noted that in the 1st year of ESO they have benefited from 100% of subjects;
in 2nd of ESO, 85% of subjects;
in 3 ° of the ESO they have obtained 44% of subjects;
and in 4 ° of the ESO 50% of the subjects.
In 1st year of baccalaureate, science modality have benefited 28% of the books while the social sciences modality of 18%.
In 2nd baccalaureate, both modalities have received 18% of the subjects.
In addition, the book loan service will be operational again in the month of September to help students who present to recover and promote course.
The president of the student collective Javier Hernández and the coordinator of this activity Lucia Palazón wanted to thank the collaboration of the classmates of the institute when they donated their books voluntarily.
As well as the volunteers who together with Javier and Lucía have dedicated their time in the development of the activity;
the students Ghita and Álvaro.
And the mothers of AMPA, Ángela, Laura and Gema.
Source: IES Alfonso Escámez