The ediles of Celebration and Culture, Cristóbal Casado and Maido Simó, have presented in a press conference the Summer Book 2019, a publication that this year retains its solidarity character.
On this occasion the donation of 1 euro for each copy will go to Afemac.
As it happened in the last edition, it should be noted that the Book does not carry advertisements, but only the information of the different events organized from the Councils of Celebration, Culture, Sports and Tourism for the summer months;
besides including a block formed by the articles of the collaborators who altruistically send their writings and photographs.
And a third block, which is included under the title Our Holidays, which offers a view of the different festivities that occur throughout the year, highlighting the Carnival, Holy Week, Rociera Pilgrimage and parties in the different districts , with special emphasis on the summer, which in itself is a Celebration for the amount of activities that are organized.
With regard to the photographs that illustrate it, the mayor of Festejos has highlighted the cover, this year's work of Gabriel Muñiz, which shows a beautiful landscape of the town;
also, Married to grateful to Diseño.arq the work of layout and the design of the publication.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas