Members of the Águilas Mental Health Association (AFEMAC) attended last October 31, together with colleagues from other mental health associations and the Mental Health Federation of the Region of Murcia, to read the Mental Health Manifesto that this year addresses The issue of suicide, a reality that, according to data from the World Health Organization, is the first cause of unnatural death in our country, doubling the deaths caused by traffic accidents and being people with mental health problems a collective where the risk increases considerably.
Given these shocking data, the associative movement in the region of Murcia has wanted to take this issue to the regional parliament, so about 150 people gathered in the Courtyard of the Town Halls of the Regional Assembly, before the president of said parliament, Alberto Castillo, to proceed with the reading of the Manifesto and the Proclamation for Mental Health, request prevention policies and improvements in socio-sanitary coordination as well as highlight the imperative need for a regional suicide prevention plan.
Source: AFEMAC