Last Friday, December 13, users of the Águilas Mental Health Association, collaborated in the solidarity race organized by the teaching staff and Management Team of the CEIP Mediterráneo de Águilas.
This race had a beneficial character since the collection that was obtained through the inscriptions in it, was donated to the benefit of said.
It is worth mentioning the participation of both teachers and students and parents in the event, thus showing their involvement with the school and their sensitivity towards the group of people with mental health problems.
Taking advantage of the inauguration of the Headquarters and Day Center of AFEMAC that took place during the same Friday, the director of the Aguileño educational center, Antonio Licerán, visited its new facilities and gave its President a check valued at € 571.
From the Eagles Mental Health Association we want to sincerely thank the interest and goodwill of this educational center towards people with mental health problems.
Source: AFEMAC