The Department of Agriculture of the City of Aguilas requested, in 2016, the arrangement of several rural roads within the Rural Development Program of the Region of Murcia 2014-2020, the action on paths of Cabezo Negro, Collados de En medio, Hermitage of San Isidro and El Sombrerico.
Seeing that time passed and the arrangements were still not being executed, the plenary session of the �guilas City Council seconded, in July 2020, a motion by the mayor of Agriculture, Bartolom� Hern�ndez, in which The Ministry was urged to carry out improvement works on the aforementioned roads.
After a few months, in November of that year, the Autonomous Community announced that the Governing Council authorized the Department of Water, Agriculture, Livestock,Fisheries and Environment to contract the works included in the conditioning projects of these rural roads, noting that "in the municipal area of ??�guilas, with a budget of 861,000 euros, action will be taken on the Cabezo roads Negro (4,957 meters) and La Trajinaria-Collados de En medio (4,390 meters) ".
As the roads continue to be fixed, "despite having been approved and already having the money granted from the European Funds (EAFRD)", the mayor of Agriculture has been impelled to urge the Ministry again to proceed to the execution of these necessary works.
"The aquiline farms where the agricultural operations are located need adequate, safe and well-maintained roads to safely exit both the workers and the goods they produce, since we can say that these roads are the arteries through which a large part of the Aguileño economy circulates ", stated Bartolom� Hern�ndez.
The City Council is currently carrying out patching work on the Los Alc�zar and El Charc�n roads (photo of which is attached).
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas