The Hospitality industry has been suffering for months of restrictions and closures that have put this sector in a critical situation.
The mayor of �guilas, Mari Carmen Moreno, and the mayor of Commerce, Gin�s Desiderio Navarro, have met this morning with the board of Hoste�guilas to listen to their demands and have committed to studying the aid intended to this sector.
The hoteliers represented have explained that they will carry out protest actions until the Regional and National Governments do not respond to their requests.
"We demand the Regional Government to launch with the greatest possible urgency a real rescue to the hotel industry in the Region with the 258 million euros that came from the National Government", they have claimed, among other demands, from Hosteï¿.
½guilas, whose board of directors has predicted that "the hotel business in �guilas will not be able to withstand this situation for long.
Either they help us or they ruin us in a short time.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas