The mayor of Águilas, Mari Carmen Moreno, has visited the works of the new section of bike-pedestrian lane on RM-D15, the road that connects Águilas with Calabardina, which is about to be completed.
It was planned to inaugurate this section with a Cycling Day aimed at the entire population, but the current pandemic situation forces to postpone this ride "By bike to Calabardina".
"With the achievement of this section, we concluded the extension of the bike lane to Calabardina, a cycling and pedestrian path widely used and demanded by the citizens of Águilas and by those who visit us, which it was necessary to finish for the use and enjoyment of all citizens "Moreno commented.
The action, framed in the Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy Águilas Sostenible, is 80% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the pluriregional operational program of Spain 2014-2020 and has had a budget of 139,553'85 euros.
The work consisted of a bicycle-pedestrian lane, with a paved width of 3.50 meters of which 2.30 will be used for bicycles and the remaining 1.20 for pedestrian traffic.
The section will reach the kilometer point 0.923, at the beginning of La Cola beach, a place from which both cyclists and pedestrians can continue to the district of Calabardina with all the safety guarantees on the dirt track that runs parallel to the line Coast.
Likewise, elements of improvement have been included such as a viewpoint with wooden pergolas and benches in front of the Playa del Arroz.
In addition to the great love of cycling, the aquiline climate invites you to walk, for which this lane is the ideal option.
The Águilas City Council has been part of the Network of Walking Cities since 2018; an international association open to all those municipalities and administrations interested in improving the situation of pedestrians through the implementation and exchange of initiatives aimed at improving universal accessibility, road safety and the environment itself.
Among the specific actions included in being a "Walking City" are to increase comprehensive mobility, design and manage spaces designed for people to walk, improve the integration of pedestrian networks, carry out land planning that improves travel to foot, increase the health of citizens or improve the feeling of security, among others.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas