The Tourist Office of Eagles registered during Carnival 2016 a total of 1,574 visits (from 4 to 13 February), which translates into an increase of 59.9% compared to last year's Carnaval 2015. The data, have been released by the mayor of Tourism of the City of Eagle, Ginés Desiderio Navarro, they have been described as "very positive".
In this sense Navarro noted that the most significant increase was registered domestic visitors to Murcia from different communities who have gone from 440 in 2015 to 668 this year, followed closely by foreign tourism that has been encrypted 582 compared to 370 last year.
In relation to this data Navarro said that are an indication that increasingly as receiving visitors during Carnival Eagles take advantage of their stay in the town to discover other aspects besides those directly related to the holidays.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas