"How can we do, if anything, more beautiful place where we live? Just getting more poetic Eagles and its streets are invaded by literature."
This was the starting point of the project Poetry on the asphalt, already done in other Spanish cities and this year has launched the IES Alfonso Escámez;
an activity framed within the II Cultural Week this school that, this time, is centered Eagles and their natural heritage.
In classrooms, have read, known yseleccionado verses of classical authors (Cernuda, García Lorca, Lope de Vega, Garcilaso de la Vega and Neruda) and authors who are in the process of being and that from a center, wanted to thank the loan, disinterested, his words for this work;
Magda Robles Leon, Pedro Javier Martínez Martínez, Tomás Soler Borja, Pepe Coloma Maestre and Batania Neorrabioso.
A thanks that have been extended to the City of Eagle, "especially councilors Lucia Hernandez and Vicente Ruiz, who were very receptive from the beginning to our proposal and have provided us to carry it out" from the IES Alfonso Escámez.
Once chosen verses, have been printed and cut all by hand: the students themselves have dotted and cut the letters and copied to the asphalt.
Finally from the center responsible for this wonderful initiative have ensured that "using new channels to convey the literary event through social networks and graffiti, in this case, they can get better than the word of the teacher in the classroom or book text, bring poetry to our students. and that is always a question of trying to awaken in them a taste for approach reading volunteer and pleasant way. We hope this activity will also serve to make it look closer in Águilas poetry. you can see them better, read in the Plaza of Spain, in the Placetón, Plaza de Alfonso Escámez and the entrance of the Casa de Cultura ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas