Coinciding with the celebration of World Environment Day, the council of the area has organized various activities that have developed over the weekend.
So, last Friday the classroom culture of Cajamurcia welcomed the presentation "promising crops and urban gardens" by the Professor of Botany at the University of Murcia, José María Egea.
During the presentation, Egea referred to the importance of developing an environmental culture;
highlighting it as an example of the "commitment to school gardens", an activity with which said professor and coordinator of the Agroecology Network in the Region can address all curricular content from an environmental perspective.
Activities programmed from the Department continued on Saturday with a reforestation in the garden of El Hornillo, where he was assisted scout groups Cultural Center station and Severo Montalvo.
The mayor of the Environment, Isabel Maria Torrente, stressed that "although it is important to commemorate days like this is more important, if possible, develop environmental performance continuously and coordinated and that is why recently the City of Eagle has approved a Plan Municipal Education Medioambiental.La concern for the environment should be a commitment of all and that is the line we are working from the council ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas