The Municipal People's City of Eagle has presented nine initiatives for discussion at the regular plenary session of October, one of which, a motion proposing an extension of the payment of IBI, has been rejected in the Committee on General Affairs, by I will not go to plenary.
The mayor shows with this action their lack of respect for democracy and pluralism, to restrict the right of participation of PP councilors and deprive citizens of the discussion of matters of interest, given that the proposals of the Popular Party are based on the demands and needs of citizens.
With his attitude, Mrs. Moreno, prevents freely discuss issues of concern to the neighbors, such as extending the deadline for payment of IBI, which ends on November 14 and that retirees would benefit until the end of the month no charge his pension.
The remaining motions, of which we have already reported in subsequent press releases, deal with the commemoration of October 15 as the International Day of rural women and elaboration of a specific reference to the same Plan, motion has been accepted by all municipal groups, like the urge the Government of Spain to urgently carry out the project of rehabilitation and recovery Hornillo Pier.
We thank the team PSOE-IU government and that we have supported these two popular initiatives.
Another motion is to be enabled in municipal budgets for 2017 a budget to put ramps Echegaray Street;
another and the last is about naming a street of the town, proposed by the PP, with the name of José Luis Muñoz Jimenez, one of the first entrepreneurs who started in the 60s, employing many aquiline.
As for prayers, there have been three.
The first term on extending the payment of IBI whose wording is the same as the motion which we have rejected.
Another prayer is to replace a mirror in street Nieto Gorretas with street Murcia takes time broken by proper use impossible and the latter is for a problem of poor football field 7 of the Municipal Sports lighting fix, which is users have complained.
The only question is about the danger to users of our beaches in summer bathe the fact red flag and the measures that are taken from the government team to avoid this type of offense for the safety of the swimmers.
Source: PP Águilas