"This proposal, like many others, came from formation sympathizers who, in one way or another, did not want the Paseo de Calabardina to be used as a showcase for any concrete political formation."
"On February 25, Pablo Ráez, a sportsman from Málaga who died of leukemia from 2015, became an icon of the fight against the disease, even in his worst moments, wrote in his blog giving encouragement and strength To all those who suffered it ..: "Thus begins the writing that the orange formation has sent to the City Council for the political groups to agree and resolve to place on the promenade Calabardina a plaque with the name of this young man, who Symbolize the fight against the disease.
Especially against leukemia and in favor of bone marrow donation.
They were sympathizers of the formation who made their members reach the proposal in the wake of the disagreement between Partido Popular and PSOE about the name that the socialist team wanted to grant to this seafront.
The confrontation between both formations could be due to that it was intended to use the name of a PSOE politician who was arrested in 2009 for alleged corruption in the so-called "Limusa" case.
In this sense Antonio Barba, Municipal Policy Officer commented "This proposal, like many others, came from training supporters who, in one way or another, did not want the Paseo de Calabardina to be used as a showcase for any concrete political formation. Therefore it seemed coherent to dedicate that plaque to the fight in favor of the donation of bone marrow that revived Pablo Ráez "
"It seems reasonable to dedicate this small space to the memory of Pablo Ráez and his fight against the disease that aroused conscience." Besides politicians, artists and famous entrepreneurs there are also humble people who for their actions deserve this deal.
He was responsible for Political Action, Francisco Martínez.
The Orange formation hopes that both the PSOE and the Popular Party will support this initiative and contribute their bit in favor of marrow donations, for which they have requested that, prior contact with the family, also include in the plaque the text "Always Strong, always "or the last words attributed to the young man from Malaga and serve as an example of his courageous and determined attitude:" Death is part of life, so do not fear it, but love it "
Source: Ciudadanos Águilas