Those who enroll in it are able to use the defibrillator, is the objective of the course "Use of semiautomatic defibrillator", encompassed in the programming of the International University of the Sea-Campus Mare Nostrum and that will be carried out between the days 11 to September 15 at the Hotel Puerto Juan Montiel de Aguilas.
Each year, more than 24,000 cardiac arrests occur in Spain.
A large percentage of these cases happen outside hospitals.
It is estimated that rapid access to defibrillation could increase the chances of survival in 3 out of 4 cases of sudden cardiac arrest.
To this end, the course will teach to apply the protocol of OVACE (Obstruction of the Airway by a Foreign Body), what is known as choking, as well as the protocols of CPR (cardiopulmonary Ranimación) in infants, children and adults.
The course has a duration of 30 hours, and those who enroll in it will be entitled to 3 freely configurable credits or a CRAU credit.
Source: Universidad de Murcia