"Again things have not been done well and nobody seems to want to take responsibility or give the proper explanations"
The orange aquiline training, through its Municipal Policy Officer, has asked the City Council to explain the reasons why the bridge, whose completion period was three months after its award, is still not operational.
The bridge, whose budget was estimated at almost three hundred thousand euros, has been left unfinished without the Government Team commanded by Mari Carmen Moreno of public explanations in this regard.
"It is not admissible that a work that has been given so much importance by the Socialist Government Team, remains so long without informing our citizens of the reasons and the new costs that will have to be faced almost every day. security "said Antonio Barba, Head of Municipal Policy of the orange training.
Barba hinted that the bridge has been notoriously higher than the round and the road that was intended to give access, which will have to face new works that were either not planned, or being, It was hidden from public opinion.
"In both cases, the scenario leaves no room for doubt: again things have not been done well and nobody seems to want to take responsibility or give the proper explanations"
Francisco Martínez, Coordinator of the training, recalled that "The Government Team seems to pay more attention to popular festivals and Twitter than to assume their responsibilities in municipal management.The case of this bridge on the Rambla de las Culebras is quite striking since, both Socialist Party and Popular Party, they fought saying that they are the protagonists of such a marvelous work and, now, given the current situation, they hide and, neither ask for explanations nor the others, seem willing to give them. "
The harmed ones continue being, as always, the aquiline in general, since that money comes out of the pocket of our taxes, and of the residents of the Hornillo and users of the area forced to take great detours in case of rains or sporting events.
Martinez ended by saying: "We hope that the Mayor will explain to us and to all the aquilines, what happens with that bridge and how much money will have to be added for its termination."
Source: Ciudadanos Águilas