In order to improve coordination and joint work between Social Services and Caritas, the City Council and the NGO will develop monthly work meetings in which to address issues such as the sharing of actions taken or emergency assistance.
This was one of the main commitments made in the course of a recent meeting held at the Águilas City Hall, where the mayor of the town, Mari Carmen Moreno, was present;
the mayor of Social Services, Rosalía Casado;
and the president of Cáritas, Ana Cortijos.
The meeting also served to make an analysis of the current operation of the employment agreement between the City Council and Cáritas, in order to offer temporary jobs to members of families in need, as well as the Pre-Labor Workshop, financed with European Social Fund , through which the NGO aims to improve the employability of all people whose situation makes it possible to benefit from a contract linked to the Collaboration Agreement between both entities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas