The users of the Association of Families and People with mental illness of Águilas y Comarca (AFEMAC) have delivered today to the students of the Mediterranean school of ten "hotels for insects" in an act in which the mayor of Environment has been present, Isabel María Torrente.
The "insect hotel" is a cabin-shaped cabin with several compartments of materials that can be found in nature (pieces of wood, pineapples, canes, etc.) that serve as shelter and hibernation to various species of insects.
During the ceremony, the mayor of Environment stressed that "this is the first delivery of others to be carried out in other centers where there are urban gardens, such as El Pajarico Children's School, Huerto de David Garden and Community Garden, as well as schools Joaquín Shopkeeper, Ramón y Cajal, El Rubial and Las Lomas ".
On the importance of insects, Torrente said that "the decline in the population is confirmed, something very alarming considering the importance they have for agriculture (about 80% of the plants we grow depends on these pollinators ) as well as the fact that more than three quarters of the wild flowers need these animals to develop the fruit and seed, which serve as food for other species.
This act has coincided with the start, also at the Mediterranean School, of a new phase of the Forests for Eagles project launched by the Department of the Environment of the Town Council;
an initiative consisting of the elaboration of "pumps" composed of clay, peat and pine seeds, Aleppo pine, carob and hackberry.
The materials that compose them avoid their dehydration while protecting them from birds and insects.
The clay of these pumps, which are thrown by different points of the municipality, will remain unchanged while the environment is dry but at the moment when the rain falls on the pumps it will release the seed allowing its germination.
It should be noted that the pumps are made by students from all schools in the town, making this initiative is a great way of environmental education for school children.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas