Last weekend guilas hosted for the second consecutive year the TOE elimination of the South / East of Spain in the Salvador Palazn Pavilion;
an event organized by the youth association "Club de Rol Thorondor", together with the Youth Council of the City of guilas and sponsored by Goblin Trader, which aims to classify the teams that will compete in the national final in Talavera de la Reina.
This championship, covered by the European Team Championship community, an annual celebration event that emerged more than 11 years ago as a popular initiative and that has gradually crossed continental borders to become the authentic Olympic games of alternative leisure, brought together 110 players more companions from all over Spain who came to play team games to the miniature strategy game T9A (a strategy game whose games are played on a board with a careful scenographic representation on it and two contending fantasy armies that have been built and painted by the players themselves).
Given that the eliminator classified two teams, the teams were the "Immortals" team from Sevilla and the team "La Oficina" from Cartagena.
Source: Ayuntamiento de guilas