The Municipal People's rise to the regular plenary session of September, which will be held on Tuesday, May 28th at 20:00 pm in the consistory aquiline, a motion to urge the National Government to lift its veto do not freeze pensions.
The motion to be debated in plenary session by all political groups represented municipal, reads as follows:
The national government in a letter sent to the Congress of Deputies on 9 September, has banned the execution of a legislative proposal to prevent freezing of contributory pensions in 2011.
The freeze, imposed by the Government through the Royal Decree 8 / 2010, aims to save at the expense of pensioners 1,400 million euros in the Social Security Scheme and 130 million more in the Passive Class System State.
The freeze decreed by the government will seriously erode the purchasing power of 5 million pensioners who, under a unilateral decision by the government, deprived of their right to pension increases, which is established by Law 24/1997 , consolidation and rationalization of the social security system, based, in turn, in the Pact of Toledo and the Agreement between the Government and the Unions of October 9, 1996.
Freezing is completely unjustified, as the Government has been insisting on the Social Security surplus.
In 2008, according to the Government, there was a surplus of 8,500 million euros in 2009, another surplus of 8,000 million euros, certainly amounts in excess of 1,400 million euros that the government wants to cut to the detriment of pensioners.
To this must be added that the Fund Pensions Reserve, established in the aforementioned law, is worth over 60,000 million euros.
It is important to remember that the Fund was established in 1997 to deal with situations of hardship and crisis, as is happening now.
Thus, the freeze decreed by the Government has no economic justification and legal.
Consequently, it is necessary to ask the Government to rectify and to delete this damaging measure and is therefore void Chapter II (Social Security measures) of RDL 8 / 2010, as Congress is calling for Members of as reiterated by a large majority.
The Government, however, is opposed to process and discuss the proposition of law of the Popular Group, the removal of the freezing of pensions, vetándola of illegal and unconstitutional.
Prevent discuss this proposition of law in favor of pensioners is something that is unfounded and that, under Article 134.6 of the Constitution, the veto of the Government can only occur when a parliamentary proposal involves "an increase in funding or a decrease in revenues in the same financial year. "
It is evident that the removal of the pension freeze is for a future period, that of 2011, for which there is not even a draft budget submitted by the Government to Parliament.
Accordingly, the veto has no constitutional justification, not based on economic eligible (no Social Security surplus) and conflicts with powerful social reasons, to call into question the Toledo Pact.
This government not only cut social rights of the weaker and disadvantaged by the effects of economic crisis, as are the unemployed, mothers and pensioners.
Besides attacking the guilty councils making a pass through borrowing are only responsible for 6%, while 15.5% corresponding to the Autonomous Communities and the State accounts for 78.5% interest.
It is also the same government that does not hesitate to deny political rights to the Opposition, preventing it from defending his choice to citizens.
Therefore, the Municipal People rise to the plenary for discussion and approval the following resolution:
FIRST: To urge the National Government to:
1.-Lifting the ban on the proposition of law presented by the Popular Group, collect the desire expressed repeatedly by the Congress of Deputies from freezing pensions in 2011.
2.-Respect the right of pensioners to pension increases of Law 24/1997 of consolidation and rationalization of Social Security, thus maintaining purchasing power.
SECOND .- To transfer of these agreements to the Prime Minister, the vice presidents of Government and the chairmen of the parliamentary groups in the Cortes.
Source: PP Águilas