The publication, the author aquiline, Pedro Hurtado, has been presented at the Cultural Hall Cajamurcia, with the assistance of the mayor of Eagles and the mayor of Culture, among other local authorities.
The aquiline have now, after ten years since its first publication, an updated reissue of the book "Illustrated History of Eagles" by local author, Pedro Hurtado.
This is a full-color book, through 20 chapters in 50 pages, has a rigorous and chronological history of the municipality.
Since its first inhabitants, situated in the zone of Marina de Cope, until today.
As pointed out by the author of the book, it reflects different stages and different cultures that inhabited our lands over the years as the Argaric, Iberian, Roman and Arabic.
All developed with a didactic and focused for all audiences.
The presentation of this publication, which can be found in bookstores and Aguilas Murcia, has been held in the Cultural Hall of Cajamurcia, with the Eagles before the mayor, Juan Ramírez Soto and the mayor of Culture, Clara Valverde, among other local authorities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas