Failure of the Department of Festivities took shape in the absence of a scenario in conditions that would allow the group's performance "Dover" for that day and could not take place.
The fudge from the Department of Festivities will cost us all aquiline about 10 million pesetas for a performance that never took place because, according to the judge's ruling to "the failure of the technical and safety agreed by contract and should raise the stage. "
The ruling of the court determines not only the payment of compensation, interest and costs, but determines that the scenario that was prepared not meet the necessary strength, stability and security required for such action, which gives an idea of lack of foresight by the Department of Celebration now have to pay for all.
Since the Socialist Party no wonder that the government team has come to explain the sentence that condemns the actions of the Department of Celebration, especially when the amount paid is almost double than what the City intended to help the Third World , twice what the City intended to Scholarships and more of what the government spends on equipment industry, Industrial Estate, Agriculture and Tourism.
Source: PSOE Águilas