Tomorrow Tuesday, May 10, will take to the stage children play "The Princess and the Dragon Tricks", sponsored by the Social Work IberCaja.
Today Monday, May 9th at the Eagles hall, the mayor of Culture, Tourism and Celebrations, Clara Valverde and the manager of the Auditorium and Congress Palace "Infanta Elena", Antonio Llamas, presented at a news conference program acts that take place during the months of May and June 2011.
Before detailing the content of programming, Clara Valverde has highlighted the success of "I Eagles Literary Week, sponsored by Fundación MAPFRE, which took place from 2 to May 7, with large crowds and outstanding representation of leading figures in the arts and literature of our country (Maria Dueñas, Juan Manuel de Prada, Luis Eduardo Aute ...).
According to Valverde, this is similar to that success is getting the White Venancio sculpture exhibition, which has trained more than 2,000 people, and remain in the multipurpose room until 17 July.
Among the highlights of the program, the manager of the Auditorium and Congress Palace, Antonio Llamas, said the following:
Tuesday 10: At 10:00 and 12:00 am hours, in concert with local schools, and 18.00 hours for the general public, the company "Sun and Earth" will represent the child's play "The Princess Trickery and the Dragon ", sponsored by the Social Work IberCaja.
Wednesday 11: At 10:00 and 12:00 am hours, in concert with local schools, the company "Sun and Earth" will represent the child's play "The Princess and the Dragon Tricks", sponsored by the Social Work IberCaja.
Thursday 19: At 19.00 hours "Poetry in the Hall."
Saturday 21: At 20:00 hours, the company "Chaperston Comic Theatre" will represent the work "Goma, Goma, Gum"
Friday 27: At 22.00 pm, concert artist Kiko Veneno. "
Saturday 28: At 20:00 hours, the company "Morpheus Theatre perform the play" The Andalusian Lozana. "
Sunday 29: At 12.30 pm, concert by the bands of "Musical Patronage Columbine" and "Musical Torrevejense Union."
Friday 3: 20'00 and 22'30 pm performance of the play "The Little Flat" by the company of "Juan Seoane, in: Asuncion Balaguer, Viyuela Pepe Delgado and Tete.
Tuesday 7: 10:00 and 12:00 am hours, in concert with local schools, and 18.00 hours for the general public, children's theater with the play "Little Red Riding Hood", represented by the company "Thespis ".
Wednesday 8: At 10:00 and 12:00 am hours, in concert with local schools, children's theater with the play "Little Red Riding Hood", represented by the company "Thespis."
Saturday 11: At 20:00 hours the company "Kamikaze" represent the work "The function to do."
Thursday 16: At 19.00 hours "Poetry in the Hall."
Friday 17: At 20:00 hours, the company "Txalo Productions" represent the play "Perfect Crime", in: Elena Furies, Jorge Sanz and Pablo Puyol.
Friday 24: At 20:00 pm, concert by the orchestra "Hims Mola, Molina de Segura.
Saturday 25: At 22'30 hour concert by the group "Fangoria."
Advance ticket sales are available in the Office of Tourism and Travel Almeida.
For the concerts of "Kiko Veneno" and "Fangoria" also can be purchased at: and
The price of the different locations and is available through the Web:
Finally, the mayor of Culture, Clara Valverde, was keen to stress that "from 23 to 28 May will be an Open Day" for the aquiline and visitors can learn, first hand, these magnificent facilities for the culture and tourism. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas