Miguel Antonio Carrasco Cayuela, Councillor of the United Left-Greens assigned to the Working Group, raised to the regular plenary of September on the following MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF AGREED PROCEDURE REFORM OF THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION.
On Tuesday 22 August, the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, announced unexpectedly in the course of an extraordinary plenary session in the House of Representatives, reforming the constitution so that it establishes a public deficit limit statement accounts.
Although in the end, it has not moved to the reform proposal a certain amount limit for the state budget deficit, leaving this issue for the future Basic Law, this is to own more restrictive than the limits set by the respective European standards, which I put in 3% of GDP and a debt not exceeding 60% of GDP.
This approach, even though its intended entry into force by 2020 (perhaps earlier as already stated by the PP won the elections if the 20-N), have the effect of reducing the current expenditure of the state, which also will to finance much of the investment, unable to resort to borrowing for this purpose.
This situation, in a country like Spain, which ranks last in per capita social spending to 74% of average EU-15 GDP per capita being from Spain and 94% of average EU-15, make it impossible to advance in reducing the social deficit in our country and prevent an economic boost in this sector that enables an important source of employment.
In this vein, since the municipalities are the organs through which they develop and implement numerous social policies, although not their direct competition, constitutional reform has been carried out represents a return of nut bear on local financing, an issue that none of the two parties that have supported this reform dare to take into consideration and postponed again and again, proposing a series of disjointed and ineffective measures that do nothing but worsen the situation gradually.
On the other hand, must be considered that given the slightest chance that the constitutional changes affect both the Preliminary Title and rights and fundamental freedoms, should have opted for more guarantees in their processing and to ensure that the people had the opportunity to ultimately decide by referendum in time.
The opposite has been lowered even more the quality and depth of our democratic country and leave a dead letter by the many statements which highlights the importance of respecting the popular will, as contained in the Preamble of the Constitution according to which proclaims the will of the Spanish nation "to consolidate the rule of law which ensures the rule of law as an expression of popular will" and "establish an advanced democratic society."
It should highlight the fraudulent nature of the procedure proposed by the major parties and accepted by the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, as the majority parties:
• They have eluded prior negotiation of the constitutional reforms in the search for maximum consensus possible.
• They have eluded explanation and transparency in public contrast the consequences of the proposed reform.
• They have avoided an open debate, serene and deep through the Constitutional Commission of the Congress of Deputies.
• They have the most difficult work and participation of the parliamentary groups that have not accepted the agreement PP-PSOE.
• They have avoided the participation and contribution of views of the Autonomous Regions and Municipalities, clearly affected by the reform.
• They avoid holding a referendum to allow the views of the Spanish people on the proposed reform, so that this reform will appear as "imposed".
Therefore, the United Left Councilman Green seconded to the Joint rises to regular plenary in September to adopt the following resolution:
Informing the Congress of Deputies rejected the City of Eagle to the reform of the Spanish Constitution carried out for not following the ordinary procedures for the legislative process, having done with single reading with a declaration of emergency and exceptional reduction of the time and for not having accepted a referendum to consult the Spanish people in this important constitutional amendment, modification will involve the reduction of social spending on pensions, employment, education, bond-book, health, social services, home services , social housing and other components of the welfare state.
Source: IU-Verdes Águilas