The Women's mayor and council of Education, accompanied by the director of CEIP 'San Juan of the Eagles' have inaugurated today progmmme activities.
The mayor of Woman, Mary Patrocinio Martinez, and the Councillor for Education, Francisco Clemente, accompanied by the director of CEIP "San Juan de las Aguilas," Rosalia Lopez, inaugurated this morning the commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which will run until Nov. 29.
The play "A tale in reverse", performed by the local company "Imagine Entertainment" and addressed to the sixth graders of Primary Education, the event has been chosen to open the program of activities under the slogan "Do not let you do shade. Denounces "takes place today in Eagles, including: theater, exhibitions, conferences, film club and the reading of a manifesto institutions.
The schedule of events includes the following proposals:
Monday 21:
From 9'00 to 13'00 hours in schools: San Juan de las Aguilas, Joaquin Shopkeeper and Ramon y Cajal, the sixth graders will attend Primary Education theatrical representation of the play "A story in reverse," performed by local company "Imagine Entertainment".
Tuesday 22:
From 9'00 to 13'00 hours in schools: Las Lomas, The Rubial and Virgen de los Dolores, the sixth graders will attend Primary Education theatrical representation of the play "A story in reverse", performed by the local company "Imagine Entertainment".
At 20:00 pm in the Cultural Hall Cajamurcia in the presence of local authorities, opening of the photography exhibition "Women columbine columbines seen by women: A gender perspective", organized in collaboration with the cultural association and social "Arrecife".
The exhibition will be open until 26 November at 11.00 hours to 13'00 hours and 18'00 to 21'00 hours.
Wednesday 23:
From 9'00 to 13'00 hours, in schools, Mary Immaculate, Urci and the Mediterranean, the sixth graders will attend Primary Education theatrical representation of the play "A story in reverse," performed by the local company "Imagine Shows ".
At 19:00 pm in the Eagle Casino, talk-talk: "The links of violence: children who are victims of gender violence." With the participation of: Wonders Sáez Castro, a psychologist and coordinator of Service Children Exposed to Domestic Violence; Lajarín Rosa Rodriguez, a psychologist at the Center for Child Development and Early, and Rosalia Gomez Duran, a psychologist at the Center for Specialty Care for Women Victims of Violence (CAVI).
Friday 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women):
From 11.00 to 13.30, Table Information in the Plaza of Spain, and cast of "bonds of solidarity."
At 20:00 pm in the Plaza of Spain, with the presence of local authorities, institutional reading of a manifesto against Gender Violence.
Tuesday 29:
At 18'00 pm in Multicines "The Stove" Cine-Forum.
After the screening of the film will hold a symposium at the mall "Eagle Plaza".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas