The opening ceremony was chaired by the Mayor of Eagles, Bartolomé Hernández Giménez.
The Mayor of Eagles, Bartolomé Hernández Giménez, accompanied by the Councillor for Culture and Heritage, Francisco Miguel Martínez, and other local authorities has chaired the opening ceremony of the retrospective exhibition of Manuel Coronado Eagles.
The exhibition, organized by the Cultural Association "Manuel Coronado", in collaboration with the Department of Culture and Heritage Hall of Eagles and Cajamurcia Foundation, includes 40 works by various techniques, predominantly oil on canvas and paper.
As for the issue, we can delight with its unique oil paintings of ladies faces, landscapes of Eagles, ceramics and a series of large abstract.
Just enter the door of the Hall of Culture is perceived "strength" of exposure to which we are accustomed Manolo, wrapped in a warm atmosphere.
Part of this work comes from Mallorca made at different times of the painter.
The exhibition can be visited until January 8, in time 18'00 to 20'30 pm in the Cultural Hall Cajamurcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas