They meet at the headquarters of the Federation of Peñas de Carnaval at 23.30 to perform the counting of votes to award the prizes of Carnival 2012, the persons authorized to perform the counting of the ballots were:
Jose Alonso Navarro, President of the Federation of Peñas, D.
Pedro Molina Berman, secretary of the Federation of Clubs, Manuel Paredes Morata D, representing the Rock Synergy, D.
Juan Luis Martinez Garcia, representing the Rock Lovers of Chichi.
The counting was performed on 25 ballots, of the 30 clubs who have voting rights.
1) The ballots, as always, have been issued by rocks that have participated in parades and are available to the presidents of the clubs participating in parades for testing, as appropriate.
2) Do not participate in awards by choice rocks, The Dwarfs, Dance Show, Magic Stars and Ipanema.
Awards and Trophies 2012Individual Carnival Children:
3 ° _Inara Vera (Trophy + Metallic)
2 ° _Pablo Gallego (Trophy + Metallic) 1 ° _Lorena Lucia Martinez and Fajardo (Trophy + Metallic)
Individual Adult:
3 ° Antonio Ramirez (Trophy + Metallic)
2 ° Sonia Coronado (Trophy + Metallic)
1 ° _Marisol Lopez (Trophy + Metallic)
Alien Comparsas National Competition:
Ipanema Comparsa Cartagena (Trophy + Metallic)
Cuerva National Competition:
Seven First Prizes
Gallo Pizzeria - Florida - Labrador - Bar Andres - Peña Rubia-Port - Bar Bruno
Seven Second Prizes
The Casino Bar - Bar Molina - Hotel Madrid - Bar El Refugio - Tasca La Estacion - Tasca The Rubial -
Bar Ifradora -
Seven Third Prizes
Districts Bar - Bar The Brivas - Sardine Bar - Bar Cop - Yeni Cafeteria - Bar El Paso - East Bar
Cuerva more generous: Rest.
The Veleta
Supercuerva (Golden Eagle): The Parrot Bar
Carnival of the night:
Couples and Trios Night:
3 ° Willi Fox (Trophy) 2 ° Lamps (Trophy) 1 ° The Minis (Trophy)
Gang Night:
3 ° AP The Globe (Trophy) 2 ° Tombstones (Trophy) 1 ° Balcony of Dreams (Trophy)
Children Peñas (Trophy participation) Serpentine Child (Trophy participation) Child star Magig
(Trophy participation) Unforeseen Infantil3 First Jet (Trophy + Metallic) + Trophy for the most Photogenic donated by Photos Beni2 Second New Rhythm (Trophy + Metallic) 1 st Synergy (Trophy + Metal + Trophy donated by Association of showmen for Best Rock Child)
Choreography rocks Contest
3 rd The Tribe (Trophy) 2 nd the usual suspects (Trophy) 1 ª If I go bust (Trophy)
Comic Rocks: 5 ° _The Tribe (Trophy + Metallic) 4 ° _Mogollon (Trophy + Metallic) 3 ° _Artilugio (Trophy + Metallic) 2 ° _The Mad Rat (Trophy + Metallic) 1 ° _If I do not go bust (Trophy + Metallic)
Rocks Review:
3 ° _The Clanka (Trophy + Metallic) 2 ° _The Cotter (Trophy + Metallic) 1 ° _The Lovers Chichi (Trophy + Metallic)
Peñas Fantasía5 ° _Almendriqueña (Trophy + Metallic) 4 ° __ History (Trophy + Metallic) + trophy for best makeup donated by perfumery Santa Maria3 ° _Serpentina (Trophy + Metallic) 2 ° __ Jet (Trophy + Metallic) 1 ° _Nuevo Rate (Trophy + Metallic + Alliance Trophy Spanish Miguel Crouseilles to fantasy)
Peñas Elegancia5 ° _Duende (Trophy + Metallic) 4 ° _Insiknia_ (Trophy + Metallic) 3 ° _Sinergia (Trophy + Metallic) 2 ° _Toscana (Trophy + Metallic) 1 ° __ Caucasus (Trophy + Metal + Trophy for Elegance Travel Almeida)
Trophy to the Rock of New Creation Jewelry donated by Clement:
Manolo Best Design Award donated by the Rock Mecca Caucasus:
Jose Lopez Aroca Trophy for the best headdress and trellis donated by the Rock Unexpected
New Rhythm
Majestic Trophy to the most spectacular
Signs of Identity Trophy for Best Design
Federation of Peñas Award as Original Carnival.
Angel Ferrer Trophy:
5 ° Magic Stara (Trophy + Metallic) 4 ° Widget (Trophy + Metallic) 3 ° Clanca (Trophy + Metallic) 2 ° Lovers Chichi (Trophy + Metallic) 1 ° Matalentiscos Boys (Trophy + Metallic) + Trophy Peancris to Bazaar Best Float
City of Eagle:
Adamantium (Trophy + Metallic)
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas