Jennifer Lopez and Lydia Orozco ran away with the title of First and Second Lady of Honor, respectively.
Eagles chose last weekend to their new Queen of the Festival, Ana Ortiz Cegarra, a young hawk 22, love the fashion world and is defined as "sociable and outgoing, animal lover, reading and the sport. "
The jury also included other titles for the six participating candidates, who came to campus in a carriage, next to the Queen of the Festival 2011, Ana Soler Melenchón, which were:
First Lady of Honor: Jennifer Lopez Garcia.
Second Lady of Honor: Lidia Orozco Escarabajal.
Miss Beautiful Smile: Victoria Martinez Sanchez.
Miss Congeniality: Jessica Miras Gamero.
Miss Photogenic: Carmen Santiago Lozano.
Miss Elegance: Ana Ortiz Cegarra (Queen of the Festival 2012).
During the course of the traditional gala, inspired this year in ancient Egypt, the title contenders had to show their acting skills and knowledge to be on the runway, through a parade in suits a bathroom, cocktail and party.
The event, presented by Marta Perez and Domingo Fernandez, included various audiovisual presentations on the candidates and the performance of the ballet of John of the Cross, as well as a lively concert of "The Supersingles" from the popular TV show "What time so happy, "which performed some of the most popular songs of the music of all time.
The ceremony ended with the imposition of the band and crown the new Queen, by the mayor, Bartolome Hernandez, and Queen of the Festival 2011, Ana Melenchón, and the traditional family photo with the participants, which Queen joined the current Child, Paula Espinosa Mula.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas