The Socialist Party spokesman Eagles, M ª Carmen Moreno Eagles complaint has also been hit by the cuts in Education People's Party.
Moreno said that children of nursery and primary education in the municipality have started school this week an expected complicated for the entire school community, teachers, students and families.
Moreno said that this course will have fewer teachers in schools, more students per classroom, a significant reduction in scholarships and "on top", the increase in VAT in school supplies, which will make this school year in very hard for many families.
The spokesman reported that "the regional government has not taken grants for the purchase of textbooks and school supplies, in addition, when published will come with a 40% cut, because the Ministry of Education will send PP just 1 million euros, which contrasts with the 4 million who sent the Ministry of Education of the PSOE.
For this reason, M ª Carmen Moreno warns that many families will lose their grants to buy books.
Apart from that when going to publish, you have already started the course and parents will have paid books.
Another issue is that it also has reduced scholarships starting school canteen and school transport.
"Since we can not understand the PSOE submission Eagles mayor and his administration to the Government of Valcárcel and Rajoy. Want to know what part is, if the PP or neighbors, it is not justified to say no absolutely nothing against these cuts and gives the feeling that they agree with them, forgetting that they are their own neighbors, who represent those sufriéndolos "he concluded.
Source: PSOE Águilas