The People's Party deputy, Alicia Jimenez, said today that the request by the Municipal Government to implement the Eagles advanced level of English, in the extension of the Official Language School (EOI) from the municipality, shall be taken into account in the course 2013/14, and since this year has increased by 22% the number of places for basic and intermediate levels.
Jimenez said that "in the current situation to optimize resources and to gradually addressing the needs of each municipality, such as the Eagles, where in this course have been offered 70 seats more to those levels.
The PSOE deputy recalled that "it was the People's Party who established the extent of the EOI in Aguilas, demonstrating the Government's education commitment Regional and City Council of Eagles."
Finally, Alicia Jiménez has clarified that "students who want to pursue aquiline this year the advanced level of English, may do so in the neighboring town of Lorca, without having to enter an admission process."
Source: PP Águilas