Yesterday ended at the Cultural Hall Cajamurcia exposure meeting the snapshots that have been part of the photo contest Eagles Carnival 2012 and the papers presented at the recent election poster of 2013, the latter elected last August, where the winner was "A very special carnival" Aguiló Christopher Domínguez.
Of the dozens of photos submitted for the contest, which includes some of the moments experienced last year during Fiesta Grande Eagles, the jury awarded the following:
Best collection: Maria Jose Lopez.
Best photo parade: Antonio Redondo.
Best creative photo: Juana Maria Soler.
Best photo portrait: Maria Teresa Ato.
Rest of Carnival: Juan Hernandez.
The awards were presented last weekend, during a ceremony attended by the mayor of Eagles, Bartolomé Hernández, and the mayor of Celebration, Clara Valverde, along with the president of the Federation of Peñas del Carnaval, Jose Alonso, among other panelists and guests.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas