About twenty students who belonged to the "Comenius" that promotes Secondary School "Europe", this morning visited the City of Eagle, accompanied by several teachers and the school director, Ismael Lucena.
Upon arriving at the Guildhall, have been received by the mayor, Bartolomé Hernández, and by Council of Education and Youth, Francisco Clemente and Juan José Asensio, who would have accompanied on his visit by municipal facilities.
The students, who come from Germany, Poland and Slovakia, Eagles remain on until next Thursday, December 6, developing different activities, among which include boat trips along the coast or trips to places aquiline around us.
For proper implementation of the program, the Autonomous Community of Murcia center provides about 20,000 euros, which go into action "Friends of the Earth (FoE)."
Its main objectives are:
Knowledge and understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages.
To help young people acquire the basic life skills and competences for their personal development.
Promote learning of modern foreign languages.
Support the development of content, services, pedagogies and innovative learning.
Increase the quality and European dimension of teacher training.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas