Eagles Mayor and the Councillor for Culture and Heritage, along with other local authorities and guests last night accompanied Luis Diaz Martinez, author of the publication and official chronicler villa.
The session continues with aquiline events commemorating the bicentennial of the first Constitutional City Eagles (1812-2012).
In this context, last night took place in the Cultural Hall of the book launch Cajamurcia who has written for the occasion, the official chronicler of the town, Luis Diaz Martinez.
During the event, the reporter was accompanied by Mayor of Eagles, Bartolomé Hernández Giménez, and the Councillor for Culture and Heritage, Francisco Miguel Martínez, as well as numerous local authorities and guests who do not want to miss this historic event.
The publication consists of 61 pages, which display text, drawings, photographs and other documents, which reflect an important part of these two hundred years of the consistory, and a space dedicated to the previous centuries, where the coast was hooked usual place of attacks by Barbary pirates, why towers rose Mount Cope and the Eagles, with the Castle of San Juan, opened in August 1756, which put a stop to these attacks, becoming the starting place for the foundation of the city, as Luis Diaz explains in the book.
Its leaves are threshed events like those that occurred between the years 1796-1812, when Eagles became a district of Lorca, a fact that was repeated up to two times more, between 1814 and 1820 and 1823-1834 , at which the town takes over definitive independent municipal government.
On 8 December, exact date of the bicentennial, an extraordinary plenary session will be held, at 11.00 am in the consistory aquiline, after which we will proceed to discovery of a commemorative plaque.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas