The Grey Wolf Clan Rover (girls and boys between 17 and 21 years) Scout Group Severo Montalvo Eagles for six days this Christmas have collected a total of 675 toys donated by residents of the municipality.
Today was the last day of collection being given to Caritas Águilas.Decir that this initiative has emerged full of boys and girls in our group components themselves have developed the social project.
The action had two clear objectives, both equally important: one was to get as many toys to donate to children of needy families in the village.
Another objective was to emphasize that vivencial.Hay Scouting, working with non-formal education in the field of leisure.
This means that we aim to teach values.
In good values, through play and life experiences.
We teach living experiences, not explaining them.
We use nature, the countryside or the city as a mere stage where we can develop our actividades.Estos boys and girls, next year will be the future of our party monitors.
At his age, in the scouts, the game is not as important, want to feel developed his personal self and your place in this world.
To achieve this we work to provide services, a community outreach.
As our motto: "rovers, serve".
And they have hecho.Nos like to thank Juan José Asensio Alonso Youth Councillor, Ana María Asensio Miñarro Councillor of Social Affairs for their interest and collaboration of Caritas and Eagles and aquiline all who helped by donating toys.
Especially the little ones who have brought forward their belongings so that other children can enjoy.
Source: Grupo Scout Severo Montalvo