The two groups of Eagles Scouts "Severo Montalvo" and "cultic center of Renfe" in collaboration with the Department of Youth of aquiline consistory, held last weekend, the Centenary of Federation Murcia Scout Explorers.
During the morning of Saturday, the mayor of Youth, Juan José Asensio, chaired the celebrations, along with other councilors of the Municipal Corporation, which took place at the Castle of San Juan, where several Scouts read a manifesto and proceeded to lifting Flag this collective, which has remained throughout the weekend waving in the fortress.
Juan José Asensio encouraged those present to keep alive the flame in the town of Scouting and announced that next year marks the centenary of the Scout movement in Aguilas, so be organized different events in the town.
The day concluded with a visit to the interpretation of local history, located in the same Castillo de San Juan, a historical monument of the second half of the eighteenth century.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas