Eagles will host various events during the weekend, among which include the following:
Saturday, April 6:
At 21:30 pm in the restaurant "Golden Eagle", the Association for the Defence of the history and traditions of Calabardina annual dinner held this group organized with the intention of raising funds for the development of the Parties the Maypole, in this 2013 will be held on 4 and 5 of the next month.
At the start of the event, will be delivered the traditional "silver crosses" the association awarded every year to different people.
Sunday, April 7:
At 9:30 pm, leaving from the football field, "Buitrago Brothers" Mountain Bike Marathon IV "City of Eagles", with the participation of nearly 300 athletes who travel a circuit close to the 60 km road, boulevards and lanes of the town.
Delivery of trophies to the top finishers, with the presence of local authorities, will be held in such facilities on 11.00 hours for the lower grades and 12'45 hours for adults.
At 10:30 hours, leaving from the Tourist Office, by Eagles theatrical tour, guided by actors.
Those interested can register, free of charge, within the Office of Tourism and the phone 968 49 32 85.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas