Caritas Parish of St. Joseph in collaboration with the Eagles Square Mall and supermarket Eroski, launched this past Easter a special campaign to collect food.
The success of it has been extraordinary, so the directive of St. Joseph Parish Caritas wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of all people in general, through their purchases, taking their food to put solidarity, have made it possible helping the needy.
Similarly especially want to thank the help of volunteers who have served the post as well as the Eagles Square Mall and Eroski Supermarket, without which the project would not have been possible.
Also last Friday of Dolores, in the booth was installed at the Plaza of Spain we have special donations associations and guilds of the town, and many aquiline that particular way and becoming partners will contribute to our work.
San Jose Parish Caritas make possible a group of volunteers and professionals in the service of charity and of our brothers, guided only by love for our neighbors, consistent with the love of Christ.
Source: Cáritas Parroquial de San José