Councilman Youth and New Technologies, Juan José Asensio, inaugurated this morning the lecture series that started on the IES King Carlos III.
This morning has started the cycle of business motivational speaker for high school students, organized by the City of Eagle and the Young Entrepreneurs Association of the District of Guadalentín (AJE).
Councilman Youth and New Technologies, Juan José Asensio, has opened the first of the talks that has developed in the IES King Carlos III, by Marina Garcia Agudo, the company "Ferrourci" and the blog "misstaconeslejanos" Juan Carlos Santana and Pelegrin, the group "Samoa-Tuareg".
The conference will continue for the months of April and May, moving to other schools in the locality, such as Alfonso Escámez institutes and Europe.
As explained by Juan José Asensio "this activity, with the participation of various speakers, has been raised in order to inform students about the benefits of self-employment, through the presentation of experiences of businessmen close".
The councilman said "it is intended to motivate young people to in the future, once they have completed their education, to consider the possibility of starting their own business as a way to enter the working world."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Águilas