The regional government has declared of Cultural Interest (BIC) with Historic Site category Fraile Island, Point Cigar and underwater environment, in Aguilas, due to its special importance for the municipality and the need to protect it.
La Isla del Fraile Point Cigar and are located in the eastern part of the Bay of Stove, also declared BIC.
In this bay are present several significant elements of the landscape aquiline, among which are the tip of the Crow's Nest, the cookers Beach, Amarilla Beach and the beach and pier of the Stove.
Both the Island Punta Fraile like Cigar and underwater environment have become vital places to sustain the municipality over its history.
Due to its geological and topographical conditions has been developed there fishing and related industries as well as mining, main sources of wealth in the coastal town.
Its importance goes back to Roman times, where Fraile Island provided important products enabled the Region enjoy a moment of brilliance from the IV and V centuries AD
For your interest in this historical context and commercial Fraile Island and Punta del Cigar constitute, together salting factory to the Port of Mazarrón, also declared BIC, two of the leading exponents of this archaeological economic activity in the region of Murcia, which have been preserved thanks to its insularity and peculiar topography and its relationship with the environment.
Source: CARM