For socialists, the economic situation being experienced by many families, is causing particular have difficulty purchasing textbooks for their children for the next school year which combined with the continuing reduction in scholarships, prevents increasingly something as essential for the proper development.
In the words of Mari Carmen Moreno and after the recent news of the approval of a Program or Loan Bank Books by the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment says that it "is a computer program, funding gap that leaves to the will of the parents who want to deposit the course books that your child has finished at school.'s in these moments when the Local Administration requires greater efforts and ensure the training of people with fewer economic resources. "
With the motion raised by the Socialist Group that is pursued through the Department of Education to develop the creation and reuse of textbooks progressively through the various academic courses, by creating the appropriate budget and always collaboration with the Directorate of the centers, School Boards and Associations of Parents of Students.
Source: PSOE Águilas