At 12:35 noon today, Saturday July 27, the Red Cross Aquatic Rescuers Spanish guard at the First Aid Post in the Levante beach and attached to the Plan at Eagles Hall Couplet, requesting the support of the Basic Life Support Ambulance and Rapid Intervention SUV to collaborate on Resuscitation Maneuvers a Cardio Respiratory stop.
Immediately, the ambulance crew consists of a Diploma in Nursing and two technicians and two other Health Emergency Water Rescuers Rapid Intervention Group joined resuscitation while requesting the presence of the unit of 061.
Until the scene also approached several local police patrols and the Guardia Civil in the city who claimed the area and facilitated health work, along with members of Civil Protection.
Fortunately, the speed of intervention health teams allowed the stall recovery, the patient was transferred unit 061 to the Hospital Rafael Méndez de Lorca.
Source: Cruz Roja Águilas