On the agenda was approved the minutes of the previous meeting, the Economic Balance 2012 and Budget 2013.
In addition, the Board realized the current situation of the Association and of the action taken.
Also proceeded to the election of Board of Directors, renewing a new current period, composed of: Juan Romero as President, Francisco Gazquez as secretary, Francisco Sanchez as Treasurer and as members Matthew Guerrero and Sebastian Martinez.
Residents attending the Assembly agreed to hold the 12th party-coexistence, on Saturday September 28.
In the question and answer section, several residents raised issues related to the neighborhood, remembering to refer to the Mayor along with an invitation to the feast Coexistence for all the Municipal Corporation.
About the Garden Paco Rabal:
Issues arising from the dog poop.
Note that this space for programming events like Music in the Gardens or the like.
About the CEIP Ricardo Codorniu:
Some residents of the nearby streets exposed circulation problems especially in the hours of in and out, especially the limited attention of parents to the safety of children.
The occupation of pedestrian crossings and areas for parking garage access.
Carelessness with the environment, throwing waste and causing damage to the nearby houses.
Source: AVEPA