The Director General of Labour, Fernando Vélez, accompanied by the Councillor for Education Eagles, Francisco Clemente, today participated in the briefing of the 'Security Grows' held at the Center for Child and Primary Education Our Lady of Sorrows , in which students received basic notions to prevent accidents.
This initiative is to show schoolchildren the fundamental concepts in the prevention of occupational hazards in a fun and appropriate to their level of knowledge form.
The aim of the promotion and dissemination of occupational risk prevention in education is to get from the earliest ages habits safe and healthy behaviors are developed.
The Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment held these days in 350 schools in the region for 11,500 students in the fifth year of primary school, which is an increase of fifty colleges and 1,500 students on the campaign developed last year.
"Among the knowledge acquired by students in this initiative culture of prevention is to identify and recognize information signals, knowing the most common electrical hazards, hazardous chemicals in its environment or remember performances in road safety," said Fernando Vélez.
Also also works with children in acquiring the correct posture in different load situations and positioning, and see the different conditions that can cause dangerous accidents at school, street and the house.
This activity has an active and participatory methodology in which a climate is created so that students can express their ideas and feelings by displaying information panels, with pictograms safety and comics designed for the campaign.
Source: CARM