The Bishop of Cartagena chaired this past weekend, the celebrations of the Eucharist in which the Sacrament of Confirmation in the parish of Our Lady of Soledad Quarry (Cartagena) and San José de Aguilas conferred.
The pastor of St. Joseph Eagles, D. Manuel Amatriaín, has indicated that 31 were confirmed, aged between 20 and 58 years old.
During the celebration, Bishop Lorca Planes confirmed encouraged every day to be faithful to their Christian vocation revalidaban receiving this Sacrament, to experience the mercy of God "does not look at appearances but in the heart", and is guided for the Gospel of Jesus, which dispels all darkness and illuminates all blindness of the human heart and gives a new fullness to life, as it did with the healing of the blind man.
Mr. Bishop also visited the parish of the town of Cartagena Canteras, on Sunday morning to confirm 21 adults.
As your pastor, Juan Rosillo, one of the confirmed, fulfilling the dream of his grandchildren, received this sacrament at 80 years of age, being godparents grandchildren.
Both priests have agreed about the atmosphere of solemnity and peace in both celebrations promoted by the presence of Bishop, who left at the end of the celebration, talking to the audience, especially the children lived, and gave to confirmed, as I recall, a cross.
Source: Obispado de Cartagena