They led by Secretary General Mari Carmen Moreno, leaders, activists and supporters of the Eagles game last night gathered in front of the Casino to assist in putting up posters with the message "You move Europe"
With traditional putting up posters at 00:00 hours on Friday, May 9, officially booted the campaign for elections to the European Parliament on 25 May.
Secretary General of Socialist aquiline, Mari Carmen Moreno, sheltered by his party colleagues, launched at the start of the campaign a clear mesaje cuidadana awareness of the importance of voting massively for change austere policies applied by the right in Europe.
In this regard, he added that "it is time to go for growth, job creation and ensure the maintenance of European standards in education, health and social services in any economic climate."
It also said that "we now have the opportunity to punish the unjust and antisocial policies Popular Party" and asked to vote for the PSOE, led by Elena Valenciano, because "aquiline should know that if the PP wins this election will a blank check to liquidate what remains of the welfare state. "
In addition, Moreno encouraged citizens of the municipality not to stay home on the 25th, because "abstinence is the only ally with those who have imposed the cuts from Europe and the Government of Rajoy, adding that each vote to be deposited in the ballot box for the PSOE will have one vote less for the right and one more vote for the recovery of civil rights. "
Source: PSOE Águilas